√100以上 480 ruger vs 500 s&w 334423-480 ruger vs 500 s&w
The S&W 500 for sale is a collection of the most powerful handgun ammunition in existence This fifty caliber cartridge was designed through a partnership between CorBon and the XGun team at Smith & Wesson with two goals in mind — to create an effective revolver load for hunting all game species on the North American continent that also takes first place as the most powerfulGET YOUR CLOTHING HERE!!! In a matter of months, the resulting love child consists of 10 different calibers 10mm Auto, 44 Magnum, 45 Colt P, 454 Casull, 460 S&W Mag, 480 Ruger, 475 Linebaugh, 500 JRH, 500 S&W Magnum and the ubiquitous 4570 Government, giving leveraction fans a direct path to Africa's Big Five

Review And Retrospect The Smith And Wesson Model 29 44 Magnum Midsouth Shooters Blog
480 ruger vs 500 s&w
480 ruger vs 500 s&w-When the 480 Ruger was released, some shooters were hoping it was something that could top the 454 Casull Instead, they were disappointed to realize it was not more powerful nor was it intended to be Second, on the heels of the 480 release, Smith & Wesson introduced the 500 S&W Magnum And two years later in 05, the 460 S&W MagnumGuns Listing ID The Smith Wesson 460 is a big bore revolver chambered in 460 SW Mag A doubleaction revolver built on an XFrame its constructed of stainless steel and features a 5round capac Click for more info Seller Guns Dot Com Area Code 866 $1,

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Have the Redhawk in 44 Mag and Super Redhawk in 480 Ruger What I found the difference to be is for the handgun hunter, it's the in between the 44 and the other big bore (500 eg) Does factory ammo cost more?40 S&W 10mm Auto 41 Magnum 44 Magnum 44 Special 45 ACP 45 GAP 45 Colt 454 Casull 460 Magnum 480 Ruger 50 AE 500 Magnum 223 Remington 243 Winchester 270 Winchester 300 Winchester Magnum 300 AAC Blackout 3030 Winchester 3006 Springfield 308 Winchester 50 Beowulf 545x39 7mm Remington Magnum First off, the 44 Magnum is not the most powerful handgun in the world In today's big bore environment, you have 45 Colt Long, 454 Casull, 460 S&W, Ruger 480, and the 500 S&W calibers to name a few!
Hornady 44 Magnum far left, Hornady 480 Ruger Center, 410gr Hand Load Right 410gr 475″ bullet vs 240gr 429″ bullet (image courtesy JWT for thetruthaboutgunscom) In a move that is pretty uncommon in the shooting industry, Ruger looked at the 475 Linebaugh and figured some shooters might actually want a bit less of a good thingEither is a great option for hunting medium game The 454 Casull having more oomph than the 44 Magnum has no issues taking down large game, but with the right load and bullet type, the 44 Magnum will be suitable for that purpose as well But to us true redblooded men, one can never have too much power in a handgun The 475 caliber 480 Ruger was introduced in 01 as a joint development by Hornady and Ruger for the Ruger Super Redhawk doubleaction revolver and was Ruger's first brandname cartridge For all intents and purposes it is a "475 Linebaugh Short," with a nominal 1285inch case length and a maximum overall loaded length of 1650 inches
The 480 Ruger is, essentially, a shortened 475 Linebaugh The first loads offered to the public did not show the true potential of the cartridge, featuring relatively lightforcaliber bullets at moderate velocities It was also overshadowed by the aggressive marketing of the 500 S&W Magnum and later the 460 S&W Magnum I'm considering picking up a Ruger Super Redhawk in 480 Ruger as a pin shoot revolver, range toy and maybe some day for hunting On paper it looks like an ideal pin shoot round, more pop than a 44 magnum, lighter recoil and lower pressure than a 454 casull, ability to use 410grain bullets, heavy 53oz frame to get back on target Posts 7 Thanks, I ordered the BFR in 500jrh, I thought about the 454, 475/480, 500s&w & the 460 s&w I guess i'll start with the 500JRH and go back down in caliber I thought real hard on 475/480, because I had a 480 once, and really liked it , 1001 AM #6 ole 5 hole group View Profile

Pin On War

Smith And Wesson
I have several Ruger and S&W revolvers 2 of the Rugers are Super Redhawks, one in 44 Magnum, and the other in 454 Casull I thought about a S&W in 460, but after looking at the new 9th Edition Hornady Reloading Manual, I decided why bother The 460 S&W offers zero ballistic gain over the 454 Casull with 300 grain bullets Ruger makes the 480 Super Redhawk in 25 and 75inchbarrel models, the former being called the Alaskan It's much handier to carry (and draw) than the long version, but on the other hand, it By the way, Hornady's 475 and 480 ruger offerings are cheaper then you can load the ammo for At a dollar a round, bullets are usually 75 cents, in those calibers, and, they aren't HPs I don't see much need for the 500 S&W Friend dropped a 2450 lb bison with a 480 ruger, using a 370 grain cast bullet, at 1170

Gun Review Ruger Super Blackhawk Bisley In 480 Ruger The Truth About Guns

Pin On Weaponz
The 500 S&W Magnum Revolver Smith & Wesson's XFrame S&W's XFrame is huge—comparable in size to Magnum Research's BFR that chambers such big boys as 4570 Gov't or 450 Marlin rifle A Hand Cannon You Can Shoot Without the Need for Rehab Recently I acquired a stainless steel Ruger Super Blackhawk Bisley in the amazing 480 Ruger caliber The purpose for this purchase was I wanted a magnum single action revolver which is more powerful than the 44 Remington magnum and less powerful than the S&W 460 and 500 MagnumsThe 480 Ruger uses lower pressures than the 454 Casull at 48,000 PSI, so the 454 Casull can produce higher velocities and more energy, although, with much lighter bullets than available in 475 caliber The 480 case was also 21 inches shorter than the 475 Linebaugh, at 1285 inches, the same as the 44 Magnum

41 Remington Magnum The Perfect Revolver Cartridge Skyaboveus

480 Ruger Gun Wiki Fandom
Firing the 480 Ruger Super Blackhawk Bisley Don't get the impression that "comfortable to fire" means this pistol is a pussycat in the palm Candidly, that phrase only applies in comparison to other powerhouse cartridges such as the 454 Casull, 460 S&W and 500 S&W The 480 Ruger is still a handful I don't like the Hillary hole safety on the S&W, nor was the fit especially great Ruger only offers the 480 not the 460 or the 500 I guess S&W holds patent and won't license other makes in the calibers Are there any other Brands still available? I have shot the 480 Ruger and I own a couple of S&W 500's Even though I cut my big bore teeth shooting a Ruger SA 44 mag for some reason the recoil of the Ruger SRH in either 454 Casull or 480 is a ***** for me to handle I find either of my 500's to recoil less than the 480 One of the 500's is the 4 in version Different hands feel different things

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Moving Up From 44 Mag Which 454 460 500
The 480 Ruger shoots some big bullets, 405 grain at 1100 fps and 475 Linebaugh at 1400fps If it was me I would go with the 475 Linebaugh so I could shoot the 480 rounds in it I personally perfer the 454 since ammo is easier to get and that's what my wife bought me I can also load some really mild 45 LC loads for it However the 460 looks like the better deal with higher velocity and ability to handle 45 Colt, 454 Casull, and 460 I don't like the Hillary hole safety on the S&W, nor was the fit especially great Ruger only offers the 480 not the 460 or the 500 I guess S&W holds patent and won't license other makes in the calibers By the way, the 480 Ruger case is the same length as the 45 LC The 475 and 500 measured 14 inches long, an eighth of an inch longer than the 480 Ruger or 45 LC case Our best group with the 500 was with a superwimp load of a 350grain cast bullet over 50 grains of Bullseye powder

500 Smith Wesson Magnum 350 Grain Hornady Txp 100 Hand Loaded Choice Ammunition

460 S W Vs 500 Mag Page 2
It's funny, the 480 Ruger is merely a 475 Linebaugh with a slightly shorter case I notice that when the subject of the 510GNR vs the 500 Linebaugh comes up, on this very forum, the discussion is much different, even though it's the exact same argument Both are 510's and 510 GNR's can be shot in a 500 LinebaughThe Big Guys For the past several decades I've done a lot of work with the heaviest sixgun cartridges beginning with the 44 Magnum and progressing through the Heavy 45 Colt, 454 Casull, 445 SuperMag, 475 and 500 Linebaughs, 475 and 500 Linebaugh Longs, 480 Ruger, 460 and 500 S&W Magnums, and the 500 Wyoming Express A 357Mag would suit him just fine and probably be more easily concealed Guns like the 480 Ruger, 460 S&W, and 500 S&W are really meant for handgun hunting or taking down grizzly bears As big as he is, he might be able to conceal one, but it's really overkill It also might cause more trouble than it's worth if he has to use it for selfdefense

Artstation Ammo Size Comparison From 2mmbritishrf Berloque To 102 Vulcan

Fur Fish Game The Hunting Fishing Fur Trapping Magazine For Practical Outdoorsmen
SB the other BFR 500 is a 500JRH which is about like a S&W 500 Mag Spical Not as big as the 500 Mag The 500 JRH is about 14" long, and, is a cutdown version of the 500 S&W You can use the same dies to reload it, and, I think this will soon be the new S&W 500 SpecialThe 480 Ruger is a revolver cartridge, introduced in 03 by Sturm, Ruger and Hornady This was the first new cartridge introduced by Ruger, and was at time of introduction the largest diameter production revolver cartridge, at 475 in (121 mm) 475 caliber handgun cartridges are not a new idea The 475 Linebaugh was introduced around 19 as a custom, 5 shot Ruger BlackhawkToday on Kentucky Ballistics we perform a pine board test with 44 Magnum, 454 Casull and 500 S&W Magnum!

Well I Went And Did It 480 Ruger Carbine Paco Kelly S Leverguns Com

Handheld Howitzers 454 Casull 460 S W 480 Ruger 500 S W The Locacarnivore
119 Posts #4 Only show this user I have a S&W 460 V This is the short barreled model with the compensator I bought this gun to replace the 12 ga I usually carried fishing with me I really wanted a 480 Ruger but had to settle for the 460 when Ruger discontinued the 480 This revolver is a hand fullRuger changed the name from 475 Ruger to 480 Ruger to give the cartridge a unique identity, but the actual bullet diameter is 475 inch, and 480 Ruger cartridges can be chambered and fired in 475 Linebaugh revolvers The SAAMI maximum average pressure for the 480 Ruger is pegged at 48,000 psi, slightly below the 50,000 psi allowed for theThe 500 S&W Magnum The 500 Magnum was designed by CorBon specifically for the S&W Xframe revolver Until the introduction of the 460 Magnum a year later, the 500 was the only cartridge offered in the Xframe gun Like the 460, the 500 is

Bad Badder Baddest Handguns

Artstation Ammo Size Comparison From 2mmbritishrf Berloque To 102 Vulcan
They just work for me So while I like the Toklat 454 and will keep it, I will probably look for a Ruger Bisley 480 or a 4" 500 S&W x frame While people hate on the x frame's size, a 4" model is only 68ozs heavier than my Toklat and packs 100grs of way larger bullet at the same speed The BFR Bisley in 500 jrh is 52oz vs The 4" x frame at 56ozsWhich caliber will make it through the most boards?//kentuckyballisticscom/ We did this test about one year ago and the 500 S&W Magnum was the winner Now it's time for the

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The Alaska Gun Range 365
On the other end of the spectrum you have the 454 Casull (1,900 ftlbs with a 240grain bullet), 460 S&W (2,150 with a 0grainer) and 500 S&W (a whopping 2,870 with a 300grainer) The 480 may not be in such rarefied company, but I'd rather hit something with 1,300 ftlbs than miss with twice that energy because the recoil was too much for me> Get your 480 Ruger Ammo from our friends at AmmunitionToGocom With the same case dimensions as the 475 Linebaugh, except for being shortened from 14 to 1285 inches in length, the first Hornady factory 480 Ruger loads were topped off with 325grain XTP

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Once you hit the 500 caliber range, you have basically reached the outer limits of power combined with practicality and portability45 Colt Boutique ammo brand, Buffalo Bore, sells a 480 Ruger load with a 425 grain bullet at 10 fps/1311 ftlbs Other small companies offer 480 ammo, as well The 500 Smith & Wesson Magnum500 S&W Magnum (R) next to a 44 MagnumHowever, with bullets of 400 grains (26 g) and higher, the 480 Ruger starts to show more potential The standard 44 Magnum powders, in similar amounts, will push a 400grain (26 g) bullet at over 1300 ft/s (thus yielding a TKO factor around 3528 vs 3462 for a 325 gr 454 Casull at 1,650 ft/s (500 m/s) )

The 45 Caliber Revolver Cartridges On Black Background Stock Photo Alamy

The factory ammo and reloading components for the 480 are both more than the 44I would favor porting over more length and weight off a compensater Velocity As illustrated in the chart, 460 S&W Magnum rounds on average achieve a velocity of about 1800 feet per second (fps) while 500 S&W Magnum rounds travel at a velocity of 1700 fps To put this into perspective, a Boeing 737 commercial airliner travels at a cruising speed of 600 mph, or 0 fps

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Dangerous Game 500 Jrh Aka 500 S W Short Mono Metal Pistol Handgun Ammunition
We resign yourself to this kind of Magnum Research Bfr 45 70 Vs 500 S W graphic could possibly be the most trending subject next we ration it in google benefit or facebook We attempt to introduced in this posting in the past this may be one of astounding reference for any Magnum Research Bfr 45 70 Vs 500 S W options Velocity As illustrated in the chart, 454 Casull rounds on average achieve a velocity of about 1600 feet per second (fps) while 500 S&W Magnum rounds travel at a velocity of 1700 fps To put this into perspective, a Boeing 737 commercial airliner travels at a cruising speed of 600 mph, or 0 fps I had the 480 Ruger in a Ruger Super Redhawk and then also in a SRH Alaskan (6 shot) A few years ago, I saw the writing on the wall and traded them both towards their 454 Cassull counterparts I also had a 500 S&W, and traded it towards a 460 S&W Mag, although you are 100% correct that these make very poor defensive wheelguns

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44 Magnum
It is possible that firearms chambered for only the 500 S&W Special will be developed Smith & Wesson has been urged by author and gun rights activist John Ross to produce their largest "XFrame" in a shorter version to handle this cartridge Ballistics are slightly superior to the 480 Ruger See also List of handgun cartridges I like my 480 ruger When I got it it was a 75" super redhawk I have a alaskan 454 and like the small size better than the long barrels So I sent my 480 off and had it cut to the alaskan size I really enjoy it now with the shorter barrel My 500 S&W is the 4" one and I like it a lot better than the longer barreled ones S&W offers They are both great calibers As you probably know they are not that close power wise The 500 s&w mag has around 1000 more ft lbs of energy than the 480 ruger But nothing against the 480 its a heck of a thumper Also the 50 ae is very close to the 480 ruger ballisticaly they are almost the same Thats a fun one too So many choices so little time

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